WARNING: In this blog, I am GOD!! All my thoughts are very depressive, bias and at times may be down right insulting and irritating!!!
"Reality is based on our perception, perception is very subjective"



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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Fact. . . Question. . . Answer. . .

Fact #1: There's a transport strike tomorrow!!
Question: Am I affected?
Answer: One word: TAXI!!

Fact #2: My hair is starting to get irritating!!
Question: Do I need a haircut?
Answer: I think so...

Fact #3: I'm really really really TIRED!!
Question: What do I need?
Answer: Obviously rest... but as for now I have "Stresstabs."

Fact #4: I've stopped losing weight.
Question: What am I doing about it?
Answer: I wish I could do something about it, but I can't, I'm too busy.

Fact #5: I have a quiz tomorrow on Biochemistry!!
Question: What am I not studying?
Answer: Procrastination... it's a habit!

Fact #6: Its Kyang's birthday on Wednesday!!
Question: Should I get her a gift?
Answer: Probably...

Fact #7: I have been lost for words. Can't seem to express my thoughts properly.
Question: Why?
Answer: Don't know... Maybe I'm losing it!

posted by michael at 3:18 PM .

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Due to the heat... and probably boredom

I can't wait for summer classes to start, but at the same time I wish it was over!! Weird noh? I'm really not excited that I have to take up biochem again, and I'm far from thrilled about taking economics, but I want to go school, attend my classes and just basically do something. It beats the hell of lounging around and being a couch-potato all day. And not having a penny to my name does not help.

note to self: buy clothes for OJT!!
posted by michael at 12:48 PM .

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Summer Classes

I went to UST yesterday for our summer class enrollment. Besides my OJT, I'm also taking up Biochemistry lec ,as a back subject and ETAR (Economics: Tax with Agrarian Reform), as an advance subject. Anyways, I have a pretty busy schedule this summer and I really hope I can make it through.

Pray for me!
posted by michael at 12:41 PM .

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The POPE in the eyes of an ATHEIST!


Ok so I'm not the most religious person in the world but I do feel sad that the Pope has died. Yes, I do feel sad, the same sadness I felt when mother Theresa or Princess Diana died. Knowing that someone like the Pope, a person who dedicated his life for the betterment of the world through his ideology, dies and leaves the world empty-handed and his mission unfulfilled and is even further from being realized (much to his own fault, really does put a pout on the face, even to an atheist like me. His death does not really affect me directly but somehow knowing that millions of people are mourning triggers empathic me to come out of its shell.

For many, the pontiff stands for the closest thing we have to reach God. He is holy in the eyes of many. And maybe he has lived a virtues and moral life, but can any man, no matter how he has lived or how he has been adorned, be considered holy? Yes, he is the leader of the church, but that is all he is, a leader, a prominent one at that, and a very good one nevertheless. But holy? I don't think so.

The Pope, as the leader of the Catholic Church is like Royal family of Britain. They're just there as a lackey or a mascot for the parliament that really is independent from the rule of the monarchy. We revere the Pope and his ideology and we admire his undying spirit, but for the most part our respect for him ends there. He is a powerless leader made to be seen, not heard and in this secular-filled world, is almost never followed. His achievements are mediocre at best, yes He has done a lot of things for the humanity and the world, but what He has been doing are things that are would be considered insignificant in the long run. This is due to the fact that his ultra-conservative and narrow-minded ideology has made him incapable of doing so much more than what he has done. But the biggest contradiction comes, when in a sense that up to his death, the Pope has done his job, and like many before him he has been an undying figure of faith and a lackey for Opus dei (yes it does exist) and the Catholic Church.

if you are truly aware and and open-minded, you'd know what I am talking about!!

Note: this is my opinion, and I won't justify myself to anyone.

posted by michael at 10:08 AM .

Saturday, April 02, 2005

hehehe.... i think blue is so much better!! *impulsive me*
posted by michael at 12:16 PM .

hmmmm.... RED!!!! felt reddish (word?) today!!
posted by michael at 12:35 AM .

Friday, April 01, 2005

My Grave!!

Silenced by death in the grave
ME Yeats couldn't save
Why did you stand here
Were you sickened in time
But I know by now
Why did you sit here?

ME Yeats "Second"
Why should I blame her
That she filled my days
With misery or that she would of late
Have taught to ignorant men violent ways
Or hurled the little street upon the greant

Had they but courage
Equal to desire
Sad that Maud Gonne couldn't stay
But she had Mac Bride anyway
And you sit here with me
On the isle Inistee
And your writing down everything

But I know by now
Why did you sit here
In my grave...
Why should I blame her
Had they but courage equal to desire
posted by michael at 10:37 PM .